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Senghor and the Arts

A portrait of the writer, poet and statesman Léopold Sédar Senghor (1909-2001), through his cultural policy following Senegal’s independence. Senghor and the arts. Reinventing the Universal puts into perspective the thoughts and achievements in the cultural sphere of the Senegalese intellectual and statesman, President of Senegal from 1960 to 1980, Léopold Sédar Senghor (1909-2001). A pioneer of Négritude, a political and literary movement initiated with Aimé Césaire, Léon-Gontran Damas, Suzanne Césaire, Jane and Paulette Nardal, Senghor defended the idea of a civilisation of the universal, shaped by the “rendezvous of giving and receiving”. Under this metaphor of exchange, of “cultural crossbreeding”, he expressed the hope of uniting traditions and initiating “the dialogue of cultures”. By reinventing and de-Westernising the notion of the universal, he affirmed Africa’s role in writing its own history. The exhibition looks at Senegal’s cultural policy and diplomacy in the aftermath of independence, its major achievements in the visual and performing arts, but also its limitations. Senghor’s thought has not left the post-independence generations indifferent; it has been widely discussed, criticised and commented on in successive re-readings. Place: Quai Branly Jacques Chirac Museum Date: until 19 November 2023. Address : 37 Quai Jacques Chirac 75007 Paris Timing: Tuesday to Sunday, 10.30am to 7pm. Fare: €12 Transport: RER C station Pont de l’Alma Bus 42 to Tour Eiffel station. Bus 63 – 80 – 92 Bosquet Rapp station


Notre-Dame de Paris. From builders to restorers.

On 15 April 2019, a violent fire struck the cathedral. In the wake of this disaster, a major restoration project was launched, financed thanks to the generosity of 340,000 donors from 150 countries who had been mobilised since the night of the fire. The worksite is under the responsibility of a dedicated public institution, which will be set up on 1 December 2019. The restoration project, presented in July 2020 to the Commission nationale du patrimoine et de l’architecture (National Commission for Heritage and Architecture) and unanimously approved, has chosen to remain faithful to the damaged monument and to the authenticity of the materials used. In 2024, it will return Notre-Dame Cathedral to the faithful and visitors from all over the world. An exceptional human adventure is taking place in the heart of Paris and in numerous workshops throughout France: journeymen, craftsmen, architects, engineers and researchers are all mobilised to bring the building back to life. These men and women are part of the long line of builders who have shaped the history of this world heritage site. The result of a co-production between the public body responsible for the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, the project owner, and the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, this exhibition offers a privileged link with the building, which is currently inaccessible to the public. It provides an opportunity to discover the expertise of the craftsmen and artisans who are working to make the cathedral open to worship and visitors in 2024. Lastly, it provides an opportunity to highlight the ongoing and evolving techniques used on heritage sites. Date: until 01 June 2024 Venue: Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine. Address: 1 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre 75116 Paris. Price: €9.00 Access : Line 6 station : Trocadéro


Free canoe and kayak trips on the Seine River

The ephemeral Marie Arm nautical base has just arrived and will run until 03 September 2023. Every Sunday, you’ll be able to paddle aboard a canoe or kayak a canoe or kayak on the Seine, opposite Ile Saint-Louis. It promises to be a hot summer in Paris, and there’s no better way to cool down. cool off. The nautical base of Bras Marie is the perfect place to admire the heart of the capital. Located opposite the Île Saint-Louis, you can take canoes and kayaks every Sunday, all free of charge. A stroll along the Seine in the sunshine is a great way to (re)discover the architectural architectural wonders of the City of Light. For unforgettable Sundays, the canoe and kayak facilities are available to 15-year-olds and over, free of charge! free of charge! Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Date: every Sunday until September 03, 2023. Location: Base nautique du Bras Marie Address: 68-74 quai de la Rapée 75012 Paris Price: Free of charge. Access: Metro line 5, Quai de la Rapée station.


My first Swan Lake

Come and discover or rediscover the legendary ballet of Swan Lake, adapted for the pleasure of young and old.


Splendours of the Oases of Uzbekistan

This exhibition gives us the opportunity to dream about a crossroads of civilizations, in the heart of Central Asia, in Uzbekistan, where the names of Samarkand and Bukhara resonate. But many other commercial oases in this country have revealed works that are now classified as World Heritage sites.


Gérard Garouste

The Centre Georges Pompidou is holding a retrospective exhibition devoted to Gérard Garouste, one of the most important contemporary French painters, born in 1946, who is a figurationist without concession.


Lekha Singh – Women carry the world

On their heads, on their backs, on their shoulders, at arm’s length or close to them, for centuries they have carried children, transported wood, water, food, bricks or mountains of cotton.